Advanced strategies for managing industrial and community relations in high-impact environments

Bernadette Bristol-Alagbariya 1, *, Latifat Omolara Ayanponle 2 and Damilola Emmanuel Ogedengbe 3

1 Independent Researcher, Bonny Island, Nigeria.
2 Independent Researcher, Houston, TX, USA.
3 Independent Researcher, Nigeria.
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2024, 07(02), 076–083.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2024.7.2.0069
Publication history: 
Received on 15 October 2024; revised on 20 November 2024; accepted on 23 November 2024
High-impact environments, characterized by their complex social, economic, and environmental dynamics, present significant challenges and opportunities for managing industrial and community relations. This paper explores advanced strategies to foster sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships in these contexts. It emphasizes proactive stakeholder engagement, robust conflict resolution mechanisms, collaborative decision-making models, and the importance of cultural and environmental sensitivity. Additionally, it highlights the role of measurable performance indicators, continuous feedback, and adaptability in ensuring long-term success. By aligning industrial operations with community needs and sustainability goals, stakeholders can mitigate conflicts, enhance trust, and contribute to equitable development. The recommendations provided aim to guide industries, communities, governments, and NGOs in fostering partnerships that balance growth with social and environmental responsibility.


Industrial-community relations; High-impact environments; Stakeholder engagement; Conflict resolution; Sustainability
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