An overview of public health implications of mycotoxins contamination of maize and guinea corn from markets in Kogi State, Nigeria
1 Department of Science, Chemistry Unit. School of Preliminary Studies, Kogi State Polytechnic Lokoja, Nigeria.
2 Department of Science Laboratory, Technology School of Applied Science, Kogi State Polytechnic Lokoja, Nigeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2023, 04(01), 169–177.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2023.4.1.0028
Publication history:
Received on 01 January 2023; revised on 18 February 2023; accepted on 20 February 2023
Maize and guinea corn being one of the most important staple in Nigeria were evaluated for their mycotoxins contents., 20 samples of maize and 20 sample of guinea corn ( 10 samples collected from the markets and 10 samples collected from the ware house) were obtained from three different senatorial zone of Kogi State. A total of 30 samples of maize and 30 samples of guinea corn collected from the three zones of Kogi state were analyzed for the presence of Aflatoxin B1, AflatoxinB2, Fumonisin, Ochratoxin A, and Zearalenone. The result revealed the presence of the studied mycotoxins in 67 % of all the 60 samples. The results also revealed the presence of mycotoxins in 80 % of the 15 maize samples picked from the market and 73 % of the 15 maize samples picked from the ware house in the three senatorial zone. Also the percentage composition of all the mycotoxins present in the 30 samples of guinea corn was 67% of the 15 samples picked from the markets and 47% of the 15 samples picked from the ware house respectively. Among all the studied mycotoxins, only fumonisin have its concentration above the recommended limit approved by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the WHO and FAO (JECFA). The concentration of the remaining mycotoxins under study is nothing to be worried about but, adequate measure should be taken to checkmate the conditions that expose the food crops to the growth of fungi.
Mycotoxins; Maize; Guinea corn; Zones; Percentage occurrence
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