Editorial Board


Dr. Nicole White, (Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry)



Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Nethaji Ramalingam, Department of Pharmaceutics, Devaki Amma Memorial College of Pharmacy, Kerala, India.

Dr Amit Parashar, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, GL Bajaj Group of Institutions, Mathura, INDIA

Dr.  Boyko Georgiev, Associate Professor, Department of MIcrobiology, Bulgarian Academy of Science Education, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Dr. Sheikh Imran Ahemad, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Iqra College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, INDIA.

Dr. Raposo Eduardo Celia, Metropolitian Institute of Science and Technology,Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Dr. Khatir Bensalem, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Algerian Institute of Medical Science Oran, Algeria.

Dr. Ramazan Bin Sarra, Assistant Professor, Alfaisal College of Pharmacy, Affiliated to Alfaisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Manoj K. JadhavProfessor, Dept. of Zoology, Nutan College of Arts Commerce and Sciences, Pragatik Shikshan Sanstha, INDIA.

Ankur Patel, Research Scientist III, Department of Research and Development, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, NJ, USA. (ankur7587@gmail.com)