Performance of bread wheat advanced lines under late sowing and hydric stress during the crop season 2020-2021

Guillermo Fuentes-Dávila 1, *, María Monserrat Torres-Cruz 1, Pedro Félix-Valencia 2 and Ivón Alejandra Rosas-Jáuregui 3

1 Wheat Pathology, Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, Apdo. Postal 155, km 12 Norman E. Borlaug between 800 and 900 Yaqui Valley, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
2 Agroclimatology, Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, Apdo. Postal 155, km 12 Norman E. Borlaug between 800 and 900 Yaqui Valley, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
 3 Wheat Biotechnology, Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, Apdo. Postal 155, km 12 Norman E. Borlaug between 800 and 900 Yaqui Valley, Cd. Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2024, 07(02), 058–070.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2024.7.2.0075
Publication history: 
Received on 12 September 2024; revised on 21 October 2024; accepted on 24 October 2024
Thirty four advanced bread wheat lines and cultivar Borlaug 100 were sown on January 15 and 30, 2021, at the Norman E. Borlaug Experimental Station, in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, México. Plots consisted of 1 bed 2 m long with two rows and 0.80 m apart with two replications, and a seed density of 100 kg ha-1 with two complementary irrigations. Average daily temperature (°C), maximum, minimum, relative humidity, rainfall, heat and cold units were recorded from January 1 to May 15, 2021. The average days for heading of the group was 69 for the first sowing date and 66 for the second one, while days for physiological maturity were 99 and 90, respectively. The average plant height of the group for the first date was 97.5 cm and 94 for the second one; the sister line SOKOLL/5/W15.92/4/PASTOR//HXL7573/2*BAU/3/ WBLL1/6/SOKOLL/3/PASTOR//HXL7573/2*BAU (PTSS12SHB00020T-0TOPB-099Y-099B-25Y-020Y-0B) consistently reached the maximum height with 107.5 and 110 cm in each date, respectively. The average grain yield per plot was 294 g; line BAJ #1*2/4/BETTY/3/CHEN/AE.SQ//2*OPATA showed the highest yield with 345.4 g which was above 4.3 t ha-1, followed by SOKOLL/3/PASTOR//HXL7573/2*BAU/4/ASTREB/5/PIHA//WORRAKATTA/2*PASTOR /3/PRL/2*PASTOR, also above 4.3 t ha-1. The average hourly temperature was 18.4 °C with a maximum of 40.8 °C and a minimum of 3.9 °C, and the number of heat and cold units was 203 and 393, respectively.
Wheat; Triticum spp; Grain yield; Drought stress; Heat stress
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