The impact of social support and basic psychological needs on well-being: a systematic analysis of literature review
1 Faculty of Human Development, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia.
2 Cocurricular Unit, Student Activity Centre, University of Technology MARA, Malaysia.
3 Department of Business Administration, Guangxi Natural Resources Vocational and Technical College, China.
4 Faculty of Management and Economics, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia.
5 Faculty of Art, Sustainability and Creative Industry, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris,Malaysia.
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2023, 05(02), 040–043.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2023.5.2.0088
Publication history:
Received on 11 September 2023; revised on 31 October 2023; accepted on 03 November 2023
Research in the field of psychology is constantly evolving, and one of the important areas of study is the influence of social support and basic psychological needs on well-being. Social support encompasses emotional exchange, practical assistance, and the sharing of information to help individuals cope with life's challenges. Basic psychological needs refer to fulfilling an individual's requirements for self-determination, self-satisfaction, and a sense of ownership. These factors significantly impact personal well-being.This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the studies of these two factors and offer insights into future research and development.
Well-being; Social support; Basic psychological needs; Self-Determination Theory; Research Integration
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