Environment factors affecting cockroach density: A systematic review

Syamsuar Manyullei 1, *, Steven Silalahi 2, Andi Murni Alwi Paluseri 2, Iyan Wahdaniyah 2, Hardin Waly 2, Wulan Ramadhani Jabalnur 3 and Rudi Hendro Putranto 4

1 Environmental Health Department, Public Health Faculty – Hasanuddin University – Makassar, Indonesia.
2 Magister Program Public Health Faculty – Hasanuddin University – Makassar, Indonesia.
3 Undergraduate Program Public Health Faculty – Hasanuddin University – Makassar, Indonesia.
4 National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) – Jakarta, Indonesia.
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2022, 03(01), 001–012.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2022.3.1.0048
Publication history: 
Received on 25 April 2022; revised on 01 June 2022; accepted on 03 June 2022
Cockroaches are one of the insects that are vectors of disease transmission. Cockroaches are spread all over the world and are one of the most common pests on ships, airplanes and trucks especially in food storage areas. This research was conducted using a systematic review method which purposes to examine the literature that describes the factors that affect the density of cockroaches. From the results of several studies, it was found that the factors that affect the density of cockroaches are temperature, humidity, environmental sanitation and vector control efforts, both in residential areas, hospitals, storage warehouses and ship raft rooms. Temperature has a positive correlation with cockroach density. The higher the temperature of a place, the higher the density of cockroaches. Humidity has a negative correlation with cockroach density. The more humid a place is, the higher the presence of cockroaches. Environmental sanitation, including environmental cleanliness, food storage areas, no leftover food/organic materials left, basements/areas below must be kept dry, and reducing access of cockroaches to food places. Cockroach control efforts can be carried out by means of environmental management and chemical control.
Cockroaches; Sanitation; Vector control; Review
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