Effect of shrimp waste fermentation feed supplement use on the balance of protein efficiency and color of native chicken egg yolk
1 Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang-West Java, Indonesia.
2 Alumni of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Padjadjaran, Sumedang-West Java, Indonesia.
3 Department of Fisheries, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang-West Java, Indonesia.
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2022, 03(01), 022–030.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2022.3.1.0068
Publication history:
Received on 22 June 2022; revised on 24 July 2022; accepted on 26 July 2022
Background: Supplement feed with an optimal composition will increase livestock productivity through increased feed digestibility and feed consumption that will provide a balance between amino acid supply and energy to grow, and produce. One of the fishery wastes that can be used as feed supplements is shrimp waste. The purpose of the study was to determine and obtain the level of use of feed supplements of fermented shrimp waste in the ration which resulted in a balance value of protein efficiency and the best egg yolk colour in the native chickens.
Materials and Methods: The experiment used 20 native chickens aged 40 weeks in 20-unit cages. The study used the Complete Randomized Design method with 5 kinds of treatment, namely R0 (ration without the use of feed supplement fermentation of shrimp waste), R1 (ration with the use of feed supplement 0.5% fermentation of shrimp waste), R2 (ration with the use of feed supplement 1.0% fermentation of shrimp waste), R3 (ration with the use of feed supplement 1.5% fermentation of shrimp waste), and R4 (ration with the use of feed supplement 2.0% fermentation of shrimp waste), each treatment is repeated four times. The changes observed were ration consumption, protein consumption, egg weight, protein efficiency balance, and yolk colour.
Results: Shrimp waste fermentation products as feed supplements have a significant influence (P<0.05) on feed consumption, protein consumption, egg weight, the balance of protein efficiency, and the colour of the yolk. The use of shrimp waste fermentation products gives optimal results at the rate of 1.5% (R3) in the ration against feed consumption and protein consumption, the weight of eggs optimal results at the level of 2.0 % (R4), and the balance of protein efficiency and against the colour of the yolk optimal results at the level of 1.0% (R2).
Conclusions: The use of shrimp waste fermentation products of 1.0 levels in the ration results in an optimal balance of protein efficiency and yolk colour. The pattern of the relationship between treatments to the balance of protein efficiency is obtained in linear form with the equation y = 0.1494x + 3.7593 (R2 =93.71%). and in the colour of the yolk in linear form with the equation y = 0.85x + 7.4883 (R2=96.33%). Shrimp waste fermentation products can be used at a rate of 1.0-2.0% in the feed formula of the local poultry layer phase and livestock other than local poultry.
Feed supplement; Fermentation; Shrimp waste; Free-range chicken; Protein efficiency balance; Egg yolk colour
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