The design of residential spaces between Form transformation and dynamic movement for interior kinetic furniture
Faculty of Arts and design, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2022, 02(02), 055–063.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2022.2.2.0041
Publication history:
Received on 06 April 2022; revised on 11 May 2022; accepted on 13 May 2022
Morphological and kinetic transformations are the main sources that give the shape an impetus for the development of new design techniques.
Harmony of the interior spaces with their surroundings can be achieved by adopting innovative methods based on modern technologies and new construction materials.
The shift from harmony to interaction can be defined through the use of smart materials that make the building interact with the surrounding environment. This is crucial to know the relationship between movement and architectural design, which results in several auxiliary studies such as the following examples:
Studying the evolution of the programmed movement concepts in interior architecture.
Studying and monitoring the various types of movement in the architectural forms and their impact on the formal transformation in the internal architectural composition.
Studying and monitoring the methods of achieving movement and dynamism in the formulation and composition of the internal architectural work.
The problem of the study lies in the lack of knowledge of scientific foundations to achieve integration between the vocabulary of techniques, digital technology, artificial intelligence, programming, and the traditional architectural space.
Accordingly, the study lays out the basics that must be available in the kinetic design ideas, and presents analytical models of design concepts and treatments, as a result of what information technology has provided capabilities that did not exist before.
Modeling; Kinetic; Digital Technology; Dynamic; Interactive
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