Cross sectional survey to assess the effectiveness of HT KOT among the Ayurveda medical practioners across India

Anoop A K *, Ramesh.P. R, K. P. Nair, P. Venugopalan and T. Jayaraj

Clinical research, Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2023, 04(01), 198–210.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijlsra.2023.4.1.0035
Publication history: 
Received on 14 January 2023; revised on 26 February 2023; accepted on 01 March 2023
Hypertension (High blood pressure) is ranked as the third most important risk factor for attributable burden of disease in south Asia. Hypertension (HTN) exerts a substantial public health burden on cardiovascular health status and healthcare systems in India. Overall prevalence for hypertension in India is 29.8% (95% confidence interval: 26.7–33.0). Significant differences in hypertension prevalence were noted between rural and urban parts of the population. [27.6% (23.2–32.0) and 33.8% (29.7–37.8); P = 0.05) It is estimated that at least one in four adults in India has hypertension, but, only about 12% of them have their blood pressure under control. India has set a target of 25% relative reduction in the prevalence of hypertension (raised blood pressure) by 2025.
 HT Kot tablet is used in the treatment and management of hypertension. HT Kot contain 3 ingredients namely Jadamamsi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Sarpagandha (Raufolia serpentine) and Ruraksha (Elaeocarpus sphaericus). It is observed that HT kot helps in improving the cardiovascular functions. It is also observed that HT Kot helps to reduce nervousness and anxiety. A descriptive cross sectional survey was done among Ayurvedic physicians in different parts of India. Out of 128 physicians, 86 (67.18%) physicians having more than 10 years of experiences.
Survey reveals that majority of the physicians (more than 75%) opined that HT kot is effective in stage 1&2 hypertension. The added effect of HT Kot is that it helps to improve the quality of sleep, reduce hyperactivity in children and anxiety. Majority of the respondents opined that the ideal time of administration of HT kot is after breakfast and dinner. The combination therapy with HT Kot is good in many conditions like hyperactivity, nervousness, hyperacidity and fatigue. The present article is based on the survey conducted among the Ayurvedic practioners in different parts of India, to assess the effectiveness and additional benefits observed with HT kot.
HT Kot; Vyana vayu; Jadamamsi; Sarpagandha; Hypertension
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