Climate-induced migration: Global legal implications and human rights challenges
1 Independent Researcher, New Jersey, USA.
2 Independent Researcher, Lagos Nigeria.
3 Energy Law Center, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University, USA.
4 Department of Sustainability, Eastern Illinois University Charleston Illinois, USA.
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2024, 07(02), 084–096.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2024.7.2.0071
Publication history:
Received on 27 October 2024; revised on 01 December 2024; accepted on 05 December 2024
Climate-induced migration is an escalating phenomenon influenced by environmental changes, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, desertification, and droughts, which displace millions worldwide. This article examines the complex global legal implications and human rights challenges associated with climate-induced migration. Despite increasing recognition of the issue, there remains a lack of international legal frameworks specifically addressing the rights and protections of climate migrants. This deficiency leaves migrants vulnerable to human rights violations and, in many cases, without adequate legal status in host countries. The study explores how existing frameworks, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention, fall short in addressing the unique circumstances of climate migrants, who often do not meet the traditional criteria of refugees. Through case studies, the article assesses the impact of climate-induced migration on affected populations and the response of regional and international organizations. The findings underscore the need for a comprehensive legal response to ensure the protection, rights, and dignity of climate migrants, alongside proactive strategies for mitigation and adaptation. Finally, the article recommends developing new legal instruments or adapting current frameworks to accommodate this emerging category of migrants, balancing national sovereignty concerns with global human rights commitments.
Migration; Legal implications; Legal frameworks; Climate migrants; Adaptation
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