Analytical study of the nutritional performance of some traditional dishes consumed by the Senoufo people of the Korhogo region (northern Côte d'Ivoire)
1 Department of Animal Biology, Pharmacology and Nutrition, Peleforo Gon, Korhogo University, Côte d'Ivoire.
2 Physiological animal Laboratory, Nutrition sciences, Department of groferestery, Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Daloa University, Côte d'Ivoire.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2024, 06(01), 072–078.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2024.6.1.0028
Publication history:
Received on 17 January 2024; revised on 06 March 2024; accepted on 09 March 2024
The aims of this study is to contribute to promute of local dishes from our cultural heritage and especially those coming from Korhogo where they meet Senoufo people. These dishes cooked, would be full of great nutritional potential. Rice and beans leaf sauce (tchonrom sauce), pounded yam and pistachio sauce (pistachia vera) then cabatoh (maize) and leaf of Adansonia digitata sauce (loh-min sauce) which contited base of practicing dishes of Senoufo people coming from northern of Côte d'Ivoire. Physico-chemical analysis, sowed respectively: Water content; Fsp: 70,86±0,252%, Rst: 75,233±0,252 and Csl: 86,25±0,050 fM. PH recorded for these different dishes are respectively acid Fsp: 5,88±0,006; Csl: 6,44±0,338 and Rst: 7,59±0,010. Proteins gave respectively Fsp: 25,90±0,030, Rst:13,65±0.095 and Csl: 22,78±0,095g/100gdM. Fats respectively Fsp: 24,60±0.000, Rst: 25,90±0,030 and Csl: 25,90±0,030g/100gdM. Total sugar is between 27,66±0,289 and 38,39±1,151% dM. highest level is observed with Rst (38,39% dM) and Fsp (29,68% dM). Lowest value is observed with Csl: 2,73±0,689 g/100gdM. Fibers of these traditional dishes is between 14,16±0,289 and 27,66±0,289 g/100gdM. Energy value of these dishes statistically different. Therefore these value are very close to recommendation by the FAO. These dishes are showed good level mineral. Thus, calcium is between 114,58 and 143.90; iron: 30,43 and 37,68 and magnesium: 45,25 and 146,74 mg/100 g dM. All mineral values observed are closed to FAO recommendations. In conclusion you that these traditional dishes could validly contribute to the well-being and the balance of their state to the general functioning of the organism.
Local dishes; Côte d'Ivoire; Senoufo; Nutritional potential; Energy
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