Impact of organizational culture on employees’ commitment: A study in the Sri Lankan state banking sector
1 Department of Research, Blue Ocean Insights (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka.
2 District General Hospital, Matale, Sri Lanka.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2023, 05(01), 022–034.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2023.5.1.0068
Publication history:
Received on 19 June 2023; revised on 30 July 2023; accepted on 02 August 2023
The goal of this study is to investigate the impact of organizational culture on employee commitment in the Sri Lankan banking sector. As the antecedents that denote the organizational culture; organizational control, employee engagement and teamwork, innovativeness, and organizational values are selected while employee commitment is selected as the dependent variable. In a competitive environment that belongs to the service-providing nature of a bank, the employee’s role is significantly contributing to the organization’s performance level. Moreover, enhancing employee commitment has become a significant requirement; especially during the current unstable atmosphere which has been raised due to past strategic attempts. The responses to the questionnaire survey of a group of 314 respondents were analyzed using reliability and validity tests, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis of the SPSS software. The findings indicate that organizational control has an adverse impact on employee commitment, whereas the other three antecedents have positive impacts on the dependent variable. These findings highlight the significance of reducing excessive control, promoting innovation, reinforcing shared values, and fostering employee involvement and teamwork to enhance commitment levels. The study offers valuable insights for organizations in the state banking sector in Sri Lanka, guiding in cultivating a supportive organizational culture that encourages employee commitment.
Employee commitment; Employee engagement; Innovativeness; Organizational control; Organizational culture; Organizational values; Teamwork
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