Multi-cropping practice: Means to sustainable agriculture in the high humid rainforest agroecology of Southern Nigeria
Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2022, 03(01), 066–090.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2022.3.1.0066
Publication history:
Received on 08 June 2022; revised on 23 July 2022; accepted on 27 July 2022
Agricultural crop production systems are constantly evaluated to measure its impact on the crop producer, soil, crops and the environment. Hence this investigation was carried out to examine the place of multicropping practice in the drive for sustainable agricultural production in the high humid rainforest agroecology of southern Nigeria. Multicropping allows crop producer to plant two or more crops at a time on the same piece of arable farmland. This practice offers some benefits to crop producer’s resilience, harvest more crop species, income, community and soil quality improvement due to various dead plants and animals parts, nutrients balance due to planting shallow and deep rooted crops; and environmental biodiversity. Our findings revealed multicropping as a practice which offers hope to crop producer with more crops harvested throughout the cropping season, extra income and rich dietary intake of the community. It provides effective pests and diseases control of crops due to crop mix and canopy formation of crops, ameliorate soil physicochemical properties and biodiverse of the environment and act as carbon sink.
Multicropping; Biodiversity; Dietary intake; Sustainable; Pests and diseases
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