Importance of the Scatophagidae family as efficient predators of blowflies (Insecta: Diptera)
Instituto Federal Goiano, Biology, Parasitology, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2022, 02(02), 033–050.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2022.2.2.0038
Publication history:
Received on 14 March 2022; revised on 27 April 2022; accepted on 29 April 2022
The biology of the larvae give Scathophagidae is very varied. Most live on dung, hence the family name. Some feed on plants (leaf miners, stem borers, or seed eaters), are aquatic predators, and are predators of other insect larvae in moist environments, such as piles of decaying vegetables, algae, or manure. Adults are predators of other insects. They are often found in flowers where they are usually stalking prey, not looking for pollen or nectar. Indeed, they are one of the most efficient predators of blowflies and for this reason they are considered beneficial insects. The objective of this literature review was to verify the importance of the Scatophagidae Family as efficient predators of blowflies (Insecta: Diptera). With emphasis on conceptual and taxonomic aspects was carried out in the years 1934 to 2021. Only complete articles published in scientific journals and expanded abstracts presented at national and international scientific events, Doctoral Thesis and Master's Dissertation were considered. Data were also obtained from platforms such as: Scielo Frontiers, Qeios, Pubmed, Biological Abstract, Publons, Dialnet, World, Wide Science, Springer, RefSeek, Microsoft Academic, Science.
Scathophaga stercoraria; Predators; Manure; Decaying vegetables; Leaf miners
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