HbA1c is associated with hypertriglyceridimea in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Department of veterinary Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, FAVF, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur Chitwan Nepal.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2022, 02(02), 103–106.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2022.2.2.0045
Publication history:
Received on 27 April 2022; revised on 14 June 2022; accepted on 17 June 2022
Background: Hypertriglyceridimea is defined as Triglyceride level in blood greater than 150 mg/dl, Type 2 diabetes mellitus one of which results from obesity is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from insulin resistance. HbA1c level will be high in condition of type2 diabetes one of the markers that displays progression of disease in the patient. Many metobolic pathways are impaired in hyperglycemia which results into dyslipidemia
Methods: 186 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus were enrolled for this study out of them 131 were female and 55 were males, the blood sample of the patient were taken and other parameter of the patient such as BMI, total cholesterol and triglyceride.
Inclusion criteria: Patient who are diagnosed with diabetes with blood sugar level greater than 200mg and regularly visitng their physician for the update of their disease.
Exclusion Criteria: Patients suffering from cardiovascular disease, thyroid disorders, renal problems and other endocrinopathies and those taking lipid-lowering agents.
Results: On comparing parameter gender wise, females exhibited higher values for Basal Metabolic Index, HbA1c, and TG. The HbA1c level were not found significant in any other parameter reference for HbA1c (good glycemic index <7%, and poor but glycemic index >7%) but TG (p=0.020) and HbA1c (p<0.001) showed significant correlation. Linear regression analysed value indicated that Hb TGs (p=0.020) and were independent of age, BMI, TC.
Conclusion: The glycated Hb was associated with TGs, and no significant association was found with age, BMI, TC.
Glycated Hemoglobin; Diabetes mellitus; Glycemic Control; Dyslipidemia; Lipid Profile
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